Friday, November 14, 2008

The Extraordinary Techniques

Self Healing
Disciple are taught technique to cure their illness. Disciples can use this technique to cure health problems such as gastrics, ulcer, blood preassure, diabetics, and many other illness. Kundalini is the greatest healer. Using the yogic energy, we will be able to heal any diseases. The important factor other than the initiation is the desciples commitment, initiative and faith.

Subconscious mind programming
Also called as the goal setting technique, desciples are taught to program their subconscious mind.
What is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is the driving force of our lives. The subconscious mind does not evaluate a matter to be true or false and right or wrong. It records whatever experience and knowledge it comes across. Whats recorded in the subconscious mind determines our attitude, behaviours, mind set, creativity, goals and ambitions. Therefore, it is important to program our subconsious mind to our advantage and benefits. Children who grows up in a positive environment with encouragement, support and positive feedback do well in their lives relatively compared to children who are used to abused and negativity.
We can be productive and extremely successful if we develop our creative intelligence and able to decide on the PERFECT decision and perform the RIGHT actions. If our mind is strong, positive and creative, we are capable of broad vision, deep insight, ability to comprehend the many aspect of a given situation, produce creative ideas and solutions. Whenever there is a problem or obsctacle, we would be able to remain calm, think clearly, decide on the best solution and act upon it. If our mind is dull, negative and shallow, our creativity and actios are restricted. We tend to be more confused and troubled when we are faced with a difficult situation. Bad decision and wrong actions makes things worst and more difficult.
A well program subconscious mind can command positive attitude, behavious and ideas. Once you know how to manage and program your subconscious mind, any problem can be solved, and desires can be fullfilled and hapiness and success is not a impossible

Negativity Remover
We all have negative experience in our lives which will effects us emotionally. These negativity will be recorded in our memory and subconscious and will impact our future decision making. These negative feeling has to be removed from the subconscious mind so that we can forget, forgive and move on with our lives. Once we have removed these negative feelings, we will not feel the anger, pain, humiliation or any other negative feeling eventhough we will still remember the incident.

Divine Shield
To understand the Divine Shiled, we must first understand what is Aura. Aura is a energy field surrounding all living creature, often described as a electromagnet field. One of the function of the aura is to act as a protection shield around our physical body. If the aura is strengthen in the correct manner, it will protect us from any danger, misfortune and illness.
Once Kundalini has been initiated, desciples can perform many technique to improve their lives spiritually and materially. One may ask, what else can I do with this creative energy. The Master has only one answer, “Never ask what you can do with this creative energy, instead aks what you cannot do”. We can use the subconscious mind programming to fullfill any desire, be it financially, emotionally, in terms of relationship, ambition and etc. Use the divine shield to protect ourselves from any physical and emotional harm and the self healing technique for healthy living. Excellent health, happy and peaceful mind, financially stability, great relationship is some of the few things I can suggest.


There are unbeatable techniques for students to improve thier studies.This studying techniques help the student in learning process and gives them a better guidances to approach the hardest subjects during thier academy period.

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